Last week I attended the "Awake The State" rally. The idea was to mobilize as many people as possible to protest against Florida Gov. Rick Scott's proposed budget, as well as the cuts to essential services that budget would entail. Across the state in 31 cities more than 15,000 people protested.
Only about 300 people counter protested, and those were mostly the ones bussed in by Gov Scott for his makeshift press conference for the start of the legislative session. I find it rather discouraging that so many people could mobilize and yet the governor would not only ignore their presence, but that he would cleverly bus in supporters and choose rather to address their presence and use it to try and show that people were on his side.Here is a shining example of a Rick Scott supporter.
I believe that it is time for us to do more than just wave signs and yell at cameras. This state does not have a method of accountability in place at the state level for our representatives. I propose that we the citizens begin to circulate a petition for the State constitution to allow for a mechanism with which to enact a recall election. It is time for real political action, not just rhetoric.
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