Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Where to Start?

   Introductions are never easy. We all know what we want to say, but the problem always occurs that you just don't know where to start. I would very much like to introduce myself, yet I find myself in the same dilemma. Where to start. So I guess before I tell you about myself, I will explain the concept that brings us together today.  

   I guess it all comes down to merit. We all have a certain faith in our actions and beliefs, but what we truly seek is merit. Unfortunately merit is not something we can assign to ourselves. It has to come from others, from an outside source. That is what drives us to exhibit our ideas, our creations, to the outside world. It is that inkling for approval that drives us to create, and it is that drive that is causing me to type these words.
      A long time ago I came to the conclusion that I live a pretty interesting life, and I decided it is time for me to start sharing these experiences with any and all who are willing to listen.
     This is who I am- My name is Danny, I am about to turn thirty in a couple of months. I just moved to Tallahassee Florida with my girlfriend and our dog and cat. I came here to finally finish getting my bachelor's degree at Florida State University. My field of studies is political science, so living in the state capital is definitely a plus. If you are wondering about my political beliefs, I believe in economic and social liberalism, and I often vote Democrat but I do not identify myself as being a Democrat. My girlfriend and myself spend a good amount of time on outdoor adventures; kayaking, camping, swimming, hiking. One of my favorite things to do is go to music festivals all over the country, and the season for that is fast approaching so rest assured I will have detailed reports and pictures of all our travels.

   Like I said before introductions are never easy, but thankfully mine is complete. And so with the hardest part finished I can settle into what I truly want to accomplish, and that is to share my life with the rest of the world. Enjoy

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